The Greatest Non Hits

The Smashing Pumpkins: Siamese Dream

Chris & Tim Season 3 Episode 21

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What’s the story behind the iconic album "Siamese Dream" by The Smashing Pumpkins, and how did the band overcome personal struggles to create a masterpiece? Join us as we unravel the album's production timeline and explore the pivotal roles played by producer Butch Vig, frontman Billy Corgan, and band members James Iha, D'arcy Wretzky, and Jimmy Chamberlin. From the orchestral touches added by Mike Mills, Eric Remschneider, and David Ragsdale, to the intense pressures of recording amid Chamberlin's heroin addiction and Corgan's mental health battles, you'll gain a deeper appreciation of the album's eclectic mix of alt-rock influences and its standout tracks like "Cherub Rock," "Today," and "Disarm."

What connects barbershop raga and Seinfeld references to the emotional turbulence in Billy Corgan's music? We dive into eclectic and humorous topics, reflecting on quirky characters and the absurdity of certain cultural phenomena. You'll hear our playful banter as we analyze song lyrics, compare Corgan's work with Rush, and reminisce about the 1994 Lollapalooza concert. In between the laughs and personal anecdotes, we highlight the creative nuances of "Siamese Dream," appreciating its dreamy yet psycho aesthetic and the intricate compositions within.

Ever wondered what makes "Silverfuck" a standout track? We energetically dissect the song’s chaotic energy, drawing fascinating parallels to Jane's Addiction’s raw emotional intensity. Our conversation blends musical critique with light-hearted reflections, including amusing hypothetical scenarios like "Silverfuck" as pre-job interview material. We wrap up on a soothing note with "Luna," a contrast to the rollercoaster of emotions found throughout the album. Stick around as we appreciate the technical prowess behind the band's fast-paced musicianship and share a special track from the "Sesame Sessions" rough mix, leaving you with smiles and gratitude for tuning in.

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Speaker 1:

It's like waking up from a dream After a while.

Speaker 2:

one's experience begins to have what I would call a haven't-we-been-here-before feeling.

Speaker 4:

All right, thank you for listening to the Greatest Non-Hits. I'm Chris, and playing Cherub Rock from the album Siamese Dream from the Smashing Pumpkins is my co-host, Tim. I want to thank you for tuning in, listening and sharing an hour with us. We're going to listen to the album Siamese Dream, which was recorded by the.

Speaker 4:

Smashing Pumpkins between December of 1992 and March of 1993. It was officially released on July 27th of 1993. So this was like their second album after Agish was released. Agish was more of a college album. This received a lot of mainstream play.

Speaker 4:

So it's a second studio album by the band on Virgin Records. So it was produced by Butch Vig and frontman Billy Corgan, who is the I think he plays rhythm guitar and the vocalists. The other personnel are James Ehott on guitars, darcy Retsky on bass guitar, backing vocals and Jimmy Chamberlain on drums. Now there were some additional people. I'm just reading from Wikipedia. There was Mike Mills, a member of REM, played piano on the song Soma. Eric Remschneider and David Ragsdale were involved with string arrangements. Eric was on cello on Disarm and Luna David played violin on Disarm and Luna. So yeah, there was Butch Vig who did production engineering, jeff Tomei engineering, Alan Mulder, I think, did the mixing. After all, the recording was done Apparently you know from reading.

Speaker 4:

I just read from Wikipedia you can read it yourself but it sounded like this was a really to put it extremely mildly a high-maintenance endeavor, and one of those things where, you know, there was a lot of drama. Of course, jimmy Chamberlain was addicted to heroin, guitarist James E Hahn, the bassist Darcy, ended a romantic relationship and Corrigan had battles with his weight, suicidal depression, writer's block. Those were, and this was supposed to be, the big album of all time. This is going to be the answer to Nirvana's Nevermind. So while I mean, this is a classic, don't get us wrong. This is a legendary album and one of my favorites too.

Speaker 4:

I listen to it a lot, the band's from Chicago. I listen to it a lot, the band's from Chicago. It was recorded mostly, though, at Triclop Studios in Marietta, georgia, and I think they did so so that they could avoid local friends distractions. Chamberlain needed to be cut off from his drug connections. I guess you know from additional reading, butch Vig, billy Corgan raised the expectations super high on the album, so they were working 12-hour days. You know Billy Corgan suffered a nervous breakdown seeing a therapist. So you know, just like all great high art, you know, there's always, you know, tension, turmoil, drama going on in the lives of the artists.

Speaker 4:

So I mean you can definitely feel it all coming through. It strikes the right balance, you know, between high art and you know art, without it being just completely out there. But I guess they were real perfectionists about it. They spent a ton of time on making sure everything was just right. I think that, even though I think it created some tensions and they were running up on money and stuff like that, I think it paid off many fold when you look back on it in history. So, yeah, kudos for Corrigan sticking to his guns, even though maybe he didn't make a whole lot of friends within the band and record label and all that. So great, great album Singles. So we're going to do what we always do, which is listen to the whole album. We're going to yuck it up, we're going to play stupid clips, we're going to have a good time and it's going to go off the rails, as always.

Speaker 4:

But at the end of it all, we're going to rank our top three non-hits. So, for the purposes of what are going to be considered hits, there were four singles released, which was Cherub, rock Today, disarm and Rocket. So apparently, mayonnaise was also a fifth single that was released. Actually, it was released in 2023. Okay, I mean, maybe it was released as a single. I think that's kind of weird.

Speaker 3:

But whatever the case is Okay, well, let's make those five out of contention.

Speaker 4:

Tim's nodding his head. So it'll be those five and the rest of them will be up for discussion. So what else can we talk about here? Gish was released on Caroline Records. This one was Virgin Records. Composition and lyrics. It was mostly Corrigan, I think. It's considered.

Speaker 4:

Alt-rock has many different influences shoegaze, dream pop. There is a lot of heavy metal. There's a heck of a lot of like fuzz guitar distortion. It's pretty heavy. Space Boy was written as a tribute to his half-brother, jesse, so you got that going for him. Cherub Rock is a great song. I love that song. I love Today All of the hits.

Speaker 4:

There's a ton of great non-hits on this album too. I'm super excited. You should be too. Tim sounds like he's wrapping up while he does that. Uh, let me uh again. Thank all of you for being dedicated listeners. Uh, we just got off of a hiatus. We're feeling fresh, we're gonna, we're gonna rock and we got a ton of great clips. We're super excited. Have fun tonight, watch fun tonight. Watch or listen to some really good music, some heavier stuff than what we've done recently up to and after the hiatus. So we've got a bunch of other heavy stuff coming from the 90s in the next few weeks as well. So thanks, folks, for hanging in there with us. Love you and love the podcast. Give us a shout out, tell us, tell us what you like. Um, you know, um. With that being said, tim is, uh, getting settled in. He's getting his headphones on. How you doing, bud, oh?

Speaker 7:

living the dream, all right, living the dream Tim's been talking about all week.

Speaker 4:

You know, he just he couldn't get back. He couldn't get back fast enough.

Speaker 7:

You know, the chair by my shoulder said get back in there guy, that's right.

Speaker 3:

Those headphones on.

Speaker 4:

That's right. I mean, we're not even close to uh retiring, to retire in the headphones anytime soon. What did you think of the album? I mean because this is in my wheelhouse from you know post. I want to say post-college day for me. You have an origin of. You know this album. What were your thoughts? Where are you at with it?

Speaker 7:

I always thought Smashing Pumpkins were like the bad boy band. Nirvana was everybody loved. So it was like. But if you liked Smashing Pumpkins in middle school, I guess you were wow you were serious.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you were a bad kid.

Speaker 7:

You were avant-garde.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you're smashing pumpkins, you know that's right, it's expressive yeah, it's like you know cheech in his neighborhood and like all the guys walk around.

Speaker 7:

My neighborhood had too many asses, man look like a pumpkin, like that well that's something like that yeah, some bad kids. Yeah right, but amazing album. While the teen angst is gone, the appreciation for this album is is still there the fair.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it is kind of dated and it's we're past that stage in our life, like by far, but it doesn't make it less any less cool.

Speaker 7:

Am I angsty? Yeah, love interests.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 7:

Maybe, yeah, self-loathing, oh, for sure.

Speaker 4:

I can't wait to get into it. Yeah, all right, here we go Ready, let's do it. Got cherub rock, this little drum thing.

Speaker 7:

Schoolhouse rock here, that's right.

Speaker 4:

Just let it out. Just saying let it out, Give it some air man, Play with it. That's right. I wonder if they ever thought about naming this Let Me Out or Let it Out. But it was charitable.

Speaker 2:

What a freak.

Speaker 7:

Is that Billy, Billy's kind of a freak? Yeah?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, well, that was Chaz Reingold, a character that was likeaz Reingold, the character that was like Lil' Pharaoh's character in Wedding Crashers. He's like oh, what a freak, he's getting married Good.

Speaker 7:

Or for you and me, a freak out, given sometimes the marriage community, that's right pulls you in got a wedding freak out good more for

Speaker 3:

me and you stay cool.

Speaker 7:

Out there it's hot, it is scorch, it is Scorch. Honey, honey, honey. I love honey.

Speaker 1:

Manuka Just saying let it out.

Speaker 7:

The little manuka.

Speaker 1:

Everybody. Come on in, grab a drink, get those clothes off.

Speaker 4:

Shout out to what's that guy's name?

Speaker 7:

Mark Rubile, here we go, shout out, shout out to that guy.

Speaker 1:

Everybody, come on in grab a drink. Get those clothes off. Let's get in Mark Rubile. Here we go, shout out, Shout out to that guy. Everybody, come on in Grab a drink, get those clothes off, let's get in the pool Get in the pool, beware.

Speaker 7:

Angels with their wings glued on.

Speaker 4:

Folks, when you get a chance, look at the album cover. The Siamese Twins on it. It's really kind of like Shining-ish, you know.

Speaker 1:

Light of my life. You know that guy.

Speaker 3:

As long as it's a love you.

Speaker 5:

Who wants that honey? Let me out.

Speaker 3:

Let me out. That's some heavy shit, man, let me out. Yeah, what was that line?

Speaker 4:

That was some heavy shit. Let me out. Yeah, what was that line?

Speaker 7:

That was some heavy shit Because we're down deep, we are frightened, we're scared. If you don't stare. I mean this whole yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, but beware all those angels with their wings glued on, because deep down we're frightened and we're scared.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 7:

He knows, he knows us all at our core. That's right he does.

Speaker 4:

There's all that buzz and that distortion. The hell are you even saying?

Speaker 7:

All your secrets. Just get the diary out.

Speaker 4:

So I guess the lyrics relate to his relationship with his perception of the indie rock community in larger media. And he was a really self-absorbed guy man. He writes lyrics that are self-absorbed. Yeah, this is I think that's the only criticism I have of it. Maybe, but it's. It sounds like he sang it just from the complete, I don't know from the outside. I'm sorry. I need to sit in this couple plays now. This is there's a lot going on here. Call the fire department.

Speaker 1:

This one's out of control.

Speaker 4:

Oh, according to Corrigan, the song's introductory drum riff is a direct lift from Rush's 1975 song by Tour in the Snow Dog. No, it isn't. Oh, according to Corrigan, the song's introductory drum riff is a direct lift from Rush's 1975 song by Tour in the Snow Dog. No, it isn't. Oh, man by. Is that? No, the that little drum thing? Okay, maybe it is, maybe, I didn't know that. My favorite band, I like that ending Heavy shit. All right, this song is called Quiet, quiet.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

Ah, that's better Okay.

Speaker 5:

That feels better.

Speaker 4:

Need a little hope. For years I've been sleeping. Couldn't tell a soul soul. What is this about? Probably some Corgan Psycho stuff.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, Shane's.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, shane.

Speaker 2:

Shane Shame.

Speaker 4:

I like the guitars.

Speaker 7:

It's relentless, this Relics.

Speaker 3:

That's some heavy shit, man.

Speaker 7:

So there's easy to deny.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

That sounds so weird. My eyes never forget it it's really just.

Speaker 4:

It's just barbershop raga with distortion there's a lot of raga on this. It's a little raga.

Speaker 3:

On the shop raga. I need an adult.

Speaker 6:

Is happening? What's happening? What happened to Soda?

Speaker 4:

Shout out to the Seinfeld fans out there, he's flying, he's flying. Chamberlain's flying. He's rocking it. He's rocking it.

Speaker 7:

He's no fool, he's not Clark Griswold.

Speaker 1:

Ed, I'm not your ordinary everyday fool okay.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I'm sorry, shame Eyes.

Speaker 5:

Also, you have, like really big eyes and that freaks me out Sometimes.

Speaker 3:

Thank you.

Speaker 7:

That was a little early. Early palate cleanser. Early palate cleanser.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, but yeah, we had heard enough of that.

Speaker 7:

Save me from that awful sound.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 7:

That was the end. Oh, oh man.

Speaker 4:

This is today.

Speaker 5:

Today Junior.

Speaker 4:

That was good timing, that was good timing, billy.

Speaker 7:

Come on. That was good timing, billy. Come on Making fun of Children.

Speaker 4:

That is in poor taste. In a fictional Narrative, gosh Exactly, you're the heir of a Some sort of a big corporation.

Speaker 7:

Ooh, all right, let's talk about this one. Let's get into it here.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 7:

Greatest day Tomorrow's, when she lost. Oh well, you got to. In my opinion, maybe every day has got to be the greatest day, even tomorrow. Okay, oh, he's got to get out again. Wait what? He's burning His eyes. I thought it was the greatest day, and then he pulled the rug out.

Speaker 4:

I mean, he was having some emotional problems while he was doing this. So I mean, maybe this is one of those details he overlooked a little bit or it was maybe on purpose. You know, good is bad. Maybe he's trying to gaslight us or something.

Speaker 6:

I don't know. Well, this piece is called Lick my Love Pump. This is very Lick my Love Pump-ish.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, pump Raga, that's right.

Speaker 3:

Get out.

Speaker 5:

Shout out to the Just saying let it out.

Speaker 7:

The pink ribbon wearers.

Speaker 3:

You know Everybody come on in and grab a drink.

Speaker 4:

My man Didn't we have one where he like freaks out?

Speaker 5:

He was just like get in the goddamn pool, okay, yeah.

Speaker 7:

He does. He's got like split personality and he's like on the mic, it's great. Yeah, it's all measured out too. It's a comedy skit. He's hilarious.

Speaker 3:

He is hilarious.

Speaker 7:

He does a bunch of free ones and just videotapes it.

Speaker 6:

Oh, oh, oh, no feel feeling in the heart.

Speaker 4:

Turn you turn.

Speaker 1:

I'm the Boo-Kuku Dolores today.

Speaker 4:

It's a great day for a non-hits, a junior salad.

Speaker 2:

I have a junior salad.

Speaker 7:

That's all you've had today. Just a junior, that's right.

Speaker 2:

I have a junior salad, no dressing.

Speaker 4:

Poor guy man. He had a steak. Guy had every bad habit in the book this is a weird little. Yeah, this is what is this Twerked out?

Speaker 7:

This isn't his twerk.

Speaker 5:

Oh yeah, this is Hummer.

Speaker 2:

Hummers. What kind of jerk would drive?

Speaker 7:

one of those Is that true, I don't know. Shout out to the Hummer drivers.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, shout out to the Hummers. If you're listening, if you're on a Hummer. God bless you.

Speaker 7:

Get him from the military For a discount. That's right.

Speaker 3:

Dude, this car kicks ass Wonder.

Speaker 1:

Wonder what fraternity You're from, brother.

Speaker 7:

I ate a pie okay, we're on something about sin charm fools promises we're sleeping here. What else we got?

Speaker 4:

uh eyes, probably something like that and I can watch madagascar while I'm driving shout to the hummer drivers listening to watching madagasc her while you drive.

Speaker 1:

I'm not your ordinary everyday fool okay.

Speaker 7:

That was Promise.

Speaker 6:

Well, this piece is called Lick my Love Pump.

Speaker 4:

I think every song on this album has like lick my love pump moments, you know.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 4:

It's all like subdued For sure, because it's Siamese Dream. So they wanted to have this like dreamy aesthetic, but psycho at the same time.

Speaker 5:

It's only a dream.

Speaker 7:

It's too awful. Will I feel okay?

Speaker 4:

The dahlia.

Speaker 5:

That feels, that feels better.

Speaker 7:

Like a bird Fly far away.

Speaker 3:

I'm there now.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, this is a good one. I like this. What am I supposed to do about you? Yeah, I love you, it's true.

Speaker 4:

It's nice, it's nice, it's nice stuff.

Speaker 6:

It can't be that hard. I mean, you've been in love before, yeah.

Speaker 7:

I kick his ass, and I can watch Madagascar while I'm driving. What kind of music do you like, gloria? Life's a drag, is it, is it no?

Speaker 1:

Nice sustain, hippo hop, woohoo, yeah, baby.

Speaker 2:

Ha, ha, ha ha ha. Dude, those animals are so fucking funny. They make me want to merge without looking.

Speaker 4:

You ready for the accident? Ask yourself a question.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Rumsfeld.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

We needed a juxtaposition there.

Speaker 3:

Ask yourself a question. Maybe you want money, are you?

Speaker 7:

free. You ask for it you lie, are you free?

Speaker 4:

Do If it Love.

Speaker 7:

This album's all over the place this is great. No, this is, I feel like we've come full circle, like with the song, with the songs. Four songs already we've gone. I know Up, down, up, I know Down, up, down, up, down. I know it feels like we've listed up, down, up, down.

Speaker 4:

I know it feels like we've listed 17 songs. We're only on number four.

Speaker 3:

In a good way.

Speaker 5:

I mean I'm sick, I can see the composure on this one.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, this is really well done. So Hummer is a hit or no, it is not. Okay. Well, this little jam here, this little medley I kind of walk the dog at these. We'll tell Trey and the boys to. Trey and the boys need to learn this one.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, they came out like right after they started to break, right after this album. Yeah, that's good. And there's this thing.

Speaker 1:

I'm the Booker Dolores today.

Speaker 4:

All right, now this goes into rock. This is a hit. Okay, I saw the 1994 Lollapalooza At, I think I said At Pine Knob. At the time it was an outdoor amphitheater North of Detroit and they were headlining and they opened this song.

Speaker 3:

And it was killer 11th or 12th row.

Speaker 4:

It was Wow. I was rocking it at that time. I was starting to make money yeah. Lead in your own life, dream of your own life.

Speaker 5:

Oh my, nobody makes me bleed my own blood Deeper and deeper Way down.

Speaker 7:

Oh yeah, this is also very good, well composed.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you can tell you put a ton of time into it.

Speaker 3:

I mean.

Speaker 7:

The four of them. Yeah, the four of them yeah, mm-hmm.

Speaker 4:

Up-tempo a little bit right here, yep. So I mean, there are 13 tracks on this album Not to take away from the song. Yeah, there's a 14th. There's a song called a Japanese edition bonus track called Piss Ant. Yes, yes, We've got to listen. Well, we don't have to listen, we can listen. Yeah, we should, we called a japanese edition bonus track called pissant.

Speaker 7:

Yes and uh, yes, we gotta listen. Uh, well, we don't have, we can listen. Yeah, we should, we should. All right, well, maybe we'll play it at the end.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, a little something there sweet, sweet goes by fast. Okay, relax at least as hikari just relax and fade away with us.

Speaker 7:

We got we still got more out in here, right, realize all that shit is fucking bullshit. That's right, okay, you know. Tell your mind to shut up, you know.

Speaker 3:

Shut up and don't say anything. Okay.

Speaker 5:

Just acknowledge that all that shit is fucking bullshit three of the voices.

Speaker 7:

Oh, the burning.

Speaker 1:

Oh, call the fire department this one's out of control.

Speaker 4:

He's saying free, but Free.

Speaker 5:

Free, free.

Speaker 7:

That's right, I'm like Baskin Robbins.

Speaker 4:

You get one free taste, then you gotta buy the scoop. Yeah live, they were just like it's going out of control at this point I need an adult yeah, I did need an adult oh yeah, we have liftoff. Yeah, these guys weren't messing around.

Speaker 7:

Oh, very technical strumming here.

Speaker 4:

I forget the strings too. You got the cello, oh.

Speaker 1:

A little hard to repeat, it's technical.

Speaker 4:

What are these guys? Ragsdale Playing violin, then Rem Schneider on cello.

Speaker 7:

Ragsdale to Richesdale, ragsdale to Richesville, thatagsdale to Richesville.

Speaker 4:

That deserves another Dynauts clip there A little hard to repeat, it's technical.

Speaker 7:

Smoothly and softly, I'm going to jerk it out.

Speaker 5:

I send this smile on you smoothly and safely so you don't just jerk it out smoothly and safely.

Speaker 4:

Just have me with a smile.

Speaker 3:

No, I just jerk it out so wither in denial?

Speaker 7:

No, I'm just jerking, it's wither in denial, oh wait just a minute Once you left alone.

Speaker 3:

Oh it's dangerous.

Speaker 7:

Burn, burn, burning, burn, burn, burn, burning.

Speaker 3:

Burn, burn, oh, oh, oh. You know what?

Speaker 1:

I'm talking about oh.

Speaker 2:

With joy in your heart.

Speaker 7:

Thank you, Billy.

Speaker 3:

Billy Bob.

Speaker 4:

Thank you, Billy.

Speaker 3:

Billy Bob.

Speaker 7:

You already figured the script. Yeah, right.

Speaker 3:

It's all about smiles and cries. What did you make that out of?

Speaker 7:

What the fuck is that? Smiles and cries, baby. What movie was that from Training Day? Oh, that's right, it's all about smiles and cries. Yeah and they're like Mathis I don't know Well he is, because he's framing him and he made him smoke it in the middle of the street.

Speaker 4:

Ugh Alright, beautiful.

Speaker 1:

I'm the Booker Dolores.

Speaker 7:

This has a really long sensitivo sectionis.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, this is the song that Mike Mills plays piano on so it's called soma, but I don't know I probably call it.

Speaker 7:

Well, this piece is called I lick my laugh pump, it's d minor, the saddest of the keys. Yeah, that's right, it's uh the secrets that you keep way down in your heart.

Speaker 4:

Shout out to the runners.

Speaker 7:

Tea drinkers. Shout out to the commuters Shout out to the commuters, those that are begrudgingly visiting your friend or brother Seeing a new house.

Speaker 4:

Shh Shh Runners, just make sure you look left and right if you feel a twinge of pain, maybe take shelter.

Speaker 7:

Opiate of blame.

Speaker 3:

Wow, oh gee the hell, are you even saying?

Speaker 4:

a little mid-song palate cleanser there, but maybe we needed it we did. Yeah, this is really sad. It's like when Linda was sad in the past.

Speaker 1:

Anyhow, if you think that I'm going to sit around and wait for you, you can forget it. I'm not your ordinary, everyday fool, okay.

Speaker 7:

Kiss off bless day, fool, okay kiss up bless kiss marge homer.

Speaker 5:

I'm making people happy. I'm the magical man from happy land in a gumdrop house on Lollipop Lane.

Speaker 4:

Oh, by the way, I was being sarcastic, good timing. Now it rocks After Homer slams the door.

Speaker 7:

I like it. It's midnight, you gotta get a last kiss. It's midnight, you gotta get a Last kiss.

Speaker 3:

It's midnight.

Speaker 7:

I'm myself. This is a good one too.

Speaker 3:

As I always have, this is a good one too.

Speaker 7:

This is Soma and Hummer are projecting themselves into the stratosphere here for excellent songs that I had not been on my radar. So this is great.

Speaker 4:

I mean I I don't know how many times I drank and passed out to this album.

Speaker 7:

Really yeah.

Speaker 3:

So I mean I it's sad to say I mean.

Speaker 4:

I'm passing nowadays, but come mean, I'm past it nowadays, but I'm just saying yeah, but I mean, no matter what state of mind you're in, this is a great album.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 5:

It's true sadness.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, it makes for creative. Uh, moisture like mushrooms. You know Moisture and mushrooms.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 7:

Moisture mushrooms Emotional moisture mushrooms, sadness.

Speaker 4:

This song is on a completely different plane From Prince's Purple Rain, but I mean, there's a song on Purple Rain that builds to this kind of a crescendo. And I feel like he sort of borrows from building up a sound and then dropping it back down.

Speaker 7:

That's what all good songs and artists should do, to be honest. So many don't do that, though, and they're still considered good, so hey.

Speaker 4:

It's just one of many effects.

Speaker 7:

When you're playing live. You've got to think about it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you know, if you're a live band.

Speaker 7:

You need that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and you write the songs so that they can stand on their own. You're just listening, or?

Speaker 7:

live, build and release. You build up a little tower with your nephew. He smacks it down. He gets the release. You usually get the build in. Shout out to Alden. We got Greek USA here.

Speaker 4:

Geek but you can say Greek.

Speaker 3:

I don't care oh.

Speaker 7:

Why is your plan tricks on me? Shout out to the Greeks out there in the US. Thank you.

Speaker 4:

We're just in the US, thank you, we're just in the US. Fuck the Greek-Canadians. Is that what you're saying?

Speaker 7:

No, Greek-Canadians, all the Greeks everywhere.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 7:

You're always. You know, that's right.

Speaker 4:

Shout out to everybody, all nationalities.

Speaker 7:

We love you Thanks for listening. The Diamond people Shout out all nationalities, we love you.

Speaker 4:

The diamond people shout out yeah, except the blood diamond people.

Speaker 7:

We're not, we're not, no you said it, not me, but yes, oh okay.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I usually go there, we're neutral you want the bloodiest ring in the case, right?

Speaker 7:

no, I want. I want a ring made out of mushrooms. Okay, a mushroom ring Petrified.

Speaker 4:

It's like Jack, no, no, I pass, I pass on mushrooms. I am not an angel dust dealer, I am not an angel dust dealer.

Speaker 6:

With almighty God as my witness, I am not an angel dust dealer. Oh, that's good, that's sweet.

Speaker 7:

Don't be so sad. Don't be a shop full of diamonds. Knowing you, I like this one. It's five minutes, holy crap. Where are they gonna go from here?

Speaker 4:

Well they go here. It gets lick my love puppy like right around here.

Speaker 7:

It gets Lick my Love pumpy like right around here. Maybe it's time for a little Sagan interlude. What do you think? Go for it.

Speaker 2:

The very matter that makes us up.

Speaker 5:

This piece is called Lick my Love Pump.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I can't believe it. When the sun is alive, I need to go no, this they're.

Speaker 4:

They're rocking right here. What's happening? Normally, this is like too much chaos for me, and just for some reason, this is like too much chaos for me. For some reason, this is just Connecting with me so hard right now.

Speaker 7:

I'm zoning out a little on this one. I'm trying to enjoy the nuance of the, the pace.

Speaker 4:

It is so hard right now. But they get to a transition point because the pace is fast right now and they slow it down, but they're still going hard at a slow pace.

Speaker 7:

Gave in to my disease of my needs. That's interesting Shout out to my disease of my needs. That's interesting.

Speaker 4:

And shout out to Darcy for the low bass part. I love that transition, how it just goes fast.

Speaker 7:

Her dad says it's okay.

Speaker 1:

Oh, how it just goes fast.

Speaker 3:

Her dad says it's okay.

Speaker 7:

Oh, gave it all away, that's good, I like the ending. I like the ending. Oh, gave it all away. That's good, I like the ending. I like the ending.

Speaker 4:

That was a great ending. Kind of let you off the hook there at the end. So this is mayonnaise. What does that mean? Is that literal? Is it figurative? Is it code for something?

Speaker 7:

Definitely code.

Speaker 6:

Oh wait, just a minute.

Speaker 4:

You had to know that was coming. No pun intended, heyo. Got the title for the song after looking in his refrigerator Okay, okay. In 2012, rolling Stone readers voted Mayonnaise as their favorite song in the band's catalog and Stone readers voted Mayonnaise as their favorite song in the band's catalog.

Speaker 7:

Oh, this sounds like. Oh my gosh, this sounds exactly like Not exactly like, but Radiohead's Lift.

Speaker 4:

I think this came before that.

Speaker 7:

Yes, they both sound a little similar in the heavier parts, but Radiohead has a more subdued song About being stuck in a lift at an elevator.

Speaker 4:

Oh, okay, I was thinking chairlift for skiing. But yeah, the lift, Either would be.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, but yeah the. British yeah.

Speaker 7:

If it was a hot elevator and you had some mayonnaise in your pocket, that could be messy. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, is that what the kids Are calling it? Mayonnaise in your pocket, anyway, there's like a mayonnaise Thing. It's like 666. Oh, so it was an image From.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Wikipedia page Of mayonnaise.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that was sweet.

Speaker 7:

When I can, I will.

Speaker 5:

I will.

Speaker 4:

Oh, I will. So Corgan later stated in an interview with a Colombian radio station that the name stands for the phonetics of my own eyes. It's like mayonnaise, or my own eyes, ah.

Speaker 7:

My own eyes Shout out to Luis Franco. Armand de Villarino de Place, duke de Richelieu, the French chef who created mayonnaise.

Speaker 4:

Oh, okay, yeah, thanks for the. Yeah, it's the trivia. Yeah, no problem.

Speaker 7:

Made of cream and eggs.

Speaker 5:

So this is a yeah, a Corgan and Eha compilation Out of wind and out of season, out of love and out of feeling.

Speaker 4:

Compilation that feels. It feels better. So he came up with the chords. He played it for Philly. He liked it, came up with the melody and the lyrics. They worked the arrangement together.

Speaker 7:

Kind of cool, nice little collab corgan's voice is good on this one.

Speaker 4:

Okay. So in the Netflix series, beef features the song in the final scene of the final episode, right on A pop culture reference. The Beef viewers out there, yeah, shout out to the Beef viewers the way I can, oh Alright. Yeah, that's worthy of being Out of the scope of what we're gonna. We've got some good contenders though.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, what is, what does?

Speaker 7:

What does Betty Davis say?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, what would she say?

Speaker 3:

Now, when I'm very good and do as I am told, I'm mama's little angel and papa says I'm good as gold.

Speaker 5:

Alright, so what do?

Speaker 7:

we got here the Space Boy, space Boy Moving right along here.

Speaker 4:

Shout out to the Betty Davis fans out there.

Speaker 7:

Good as gold.

Speaker 4:

Okay, break your bones, mr Jones.

Speaker 7:

And me.

Speaker 3:

To taste me as I bleed. To taste my Space boy.

Speaker 6:

I miss you, oh Any way you choose me, you'll break. Nobody makes me bleed my own blood.

Speaker 4:

Nobody Watch me Death defy To buy my life. So where are you at? On Spaceboy.

Speaker 7:

I like it Good.

Speaker 4:

The singing's really good yeah.

Speaker 1:

The rage.

Speaker 5:

Just go home, that's go home.

Speaker 3:

That's your home. Are you too good for your home? Answer me.

Speaker 7:

It's solid. I like the little flute sound in the background. Yeah, they're adding some sound effects here.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

The strings, the woodwinds.

Speaker 2:

The very matter that makes us up was generated long ago and far away in red giant stars.

Speaker 4:

Well said, well spoken, carl.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Carl, carl Say it, son of a bitch you.

Speaker 3:

Jeez, I hope I don't die. Comedians don't want to die, that's Carl Lynn. Hey, chaz man hey.

Speaker 4:

I wonder if Carl Sagan's middle name is Lin, because if it was, he'd be Carlin.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 4:

He'd be Carlin Sagan. Carlin Sagan Like George Carlin Sagan. All right, I'll sit the next couple of plays. I don't know what you said. Yeah, maybe it's just like the suicide stuff, wasn't he?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

While he was doing this, I think this is one of these deep tracks. That's great man.

Speaker 6:

That's what we think of that.

Speaker 4:

He is a dead man.

Speaker 7:

We have some.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, there's some weird space boy shit still going on. Okay, this is silver. Fuck Alright.

Speaker 1:

Finally got to the Showing her my oh face. Oh, oh, oh. You know what I'm talking about.

Speaker 4:

We knew that was coming. Finally got to the Showing her my O face, O O O. You know what I'm talking about, O.

Speaker 3:

We knew that was coming. If anyone's a freak out out there, okay, we've got to keep our composure. We've come too far there's too much to lose.

Speaker 7:

We've got to keep our composure.

Speaker 2:

Thank you Will. Why should he get to ditch when everybody else has to go?

Speaker 1:

You could ditch.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I'd get caught.

Speaker 7:

Winning, let's go. Sir David loves this song too.

Speaker 4:

I remember this in concert Don't mess with the bull, young man, You'll get the horns. Now they played this one.

Speaker 7:

This was good. Silver fuck, Silver Fuck. Like what a song title. This is like the best song title I've ever heard.

Speaker 4:

I know, yeah, it's better than Lick my Love, pump Silver Fuck. Jeez yeah, I've been working 15, 16 hour nights to make silver fuck.

Speaker 7:

I know right, you really did though.

Speaker 4:

You did yeah.

Speaker 7:

I mean yeah.

Speaker 4:

But it's a silver fuck you can be proud of. You know it is he's not a fool.

Speaker 1:

I'm not your ordinary, everyday fool.

Speaker 7:

Okay, he's Billy fucking Corgan.

Speaker 4:

That's right and Is this before or after the nervous breakdown.

Speaker 7:

I want to say During, after, and he manifests part of that nervous breakdown every time he hits the recording studio.

Speaker 3:

Oh, the burning hot. Whoa so discordant, big hair Long.

Speaker 4:

This reminds me of Jane's Addiction. This reminds me of their rants when they go off on these musical tangents.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, it's kind of like a three days kind of a thing. There's five minutes and 20 seconds left of this song.

Speaker 5:

More or less.

Speaker 7:

This is insane.

Speaker 4:

Well, this isn't silver shit, this is silver fuck.

Speaker 5:

Fuck like a bird, like a bird. What.

Speaker 4:

Ah, this is like I Torn the Snow Dog. This is like my tour in the snow dog what yeah, jimmy Chamberlain probably wrote this this is all like druggy, so fetch, I probably wrote this this is all like druggy, so fetch, adorable, adorable. Now we gotta go. Eric Carman after this one, just for the oh, I almost forgot you want to go full blown during the song? No, no, we gotta wait, yeah it's, it's talk amongst yourselves.

Speaker 7:

everybody, we're this is tolerable.

Speaker 4:

Shot to Kramer, it's tolerable. It's tolerable.

Speaker 7:

We're hitting some like Another dimension here. If you would see me and Chris right now, both our heads are slowly spinning in circles.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, no, I'm just uh, just uh, I'm in a trance.

Speaker 7:

You know, we're trying we're tranced out over here yeah, I mean, my mind is wandering double, I mean maybe triple chamomile.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, this is yeah, this is like chamomile status right now lying in your bed of course you're gonna be rudely awakened for when he goes, gets the axe just wondering if it would be, if it would be good or bad to listen to this right before a job interview.

Speaker 7:

Probably bad yeah, with your hands in the air. Do you know? You just got your big girl bed. You just need your big girl bed.

Speaker 2:

You just need a big girl promotion Ready for your very own big girl bed.

Speaker 4:

Easy champ. Where is that?

Speaker 7:

What Bang bang?

Speaker 4:

what bang? Okay, here's the suicidal stuff here yes, yikes. That's great man man.

Speaker 5:

Problem is, if you see one hippie, they'll tell you a whole lot more.

Speaker 1:

You're nuts Long loser man. It's a smash hit. How do you feel about?

Speaker 7:

that it's like surfing in some oil spillage yeah it is like that Smash, smashing, mm Smashing. Well, dude they are smashing, mmm Smashing. Well, dude, they are smashing.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, this was a cool part of the concert actually.

Speaker 1:

I remember this, Just saying let it out, Give it some air.

Speaker 4:

Man Play with it.

Speaker 5:

Light to help my life.

Speaker 4:

Attention all planets of the Solar Federation. We have assumed control.

Speaker 1:

This is.

Speaker 4:

That's heavy shit, man.

Speaker 2:

I have a junior salad, no dressing. With joy in your heart alright.

Speaker 4:

so where are we at in the process here? Maybe we got like a Luna something or other Calling it a day after that.

Speaker 7:

Unless you want to do pissant, oh Sweet sweet. Oh, that's good, that's sweet Sweet.

Speaker 4:

We can leave a little room for pissant, why not?

Speaker 1:

Why not At the?

Speaker 4:

end. Why don't we do the voting and then piss in as an outro?

Speaker 7:

Yeah, that's a good idea. We'll do that. That's a good idea.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

This is kind of folky, it is Well isn't that special. This was kind of a catchy little tune.

Speaker 3:

It didn't suck.

Speaker 7:

Pop and flush your flowers and Thank you, Sir David.

Speaker 5:

Thank you, sir David. Ah, that feels, that feels better.

Speaker 4:

Well, we're on the home stretch, man, this is the last one, right, luna, luna, this is in the Lick, my Love Pump camp, ah sweet.

Speaker 2:

who belongs?

Speaker 4:

oh sweet so sweet it is is there some sort of uh sweet story behind this song?

Speaker 7:

There, always is. It's whether we know it or not.

Speaker 4:

That's a nice little tune here.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

I'm glad they end on a nicer note. I mean, I was just Agreed. I'm glad it just wasn't like silver and then life sucks. Good night, yeah if that was happening well it went to like a really dark place there there'd be questions.

Speaker 7:

You know it would be like it's happening.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it would be like it's happening.

Speaker 4:

Gosh, I don't know where I'm going with my vote here. I think I've narrowed it down to three. I just don't know the order.

Speaker 6:

It can't be that hard. I'm in love with you and you I'm in love with you. You can't be that hard. I mean, you've been in love before, Uh well, just once With you.

Speaker 7:

Oh, joey, joey, Joey, he's like Joseph. Now I'm going to go pick wildflowers for Rachel.

Speaker 5:

Central Park. All right, that did feel better All right, that did feel better. All right.

Speaker 4:

So let's take it from the top. We've got our top three. We've got to vote for. Are you ready? Are you ready to give us your number three?

Speaker 7:

Let me see here, I mean there's so many good songs I want to say every single one of them was good to me Silver Fuck is number three for me solid, slow section that really somehow validated all the fast dissident sections. Yeah, I know it's an accomplishment.

Speaker 4:

Silver Fuck was an accomplishment. The fast dissonant sections.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, I know Somehow it's an accomplishment for sure. Silver Fuck was an accomplishment.

Speaker 4:

It was. It was good. My number three is going to be Geek USA Wow.

Speaker 7:

I liked it.

Speaker 3:

Because at the end it finished off.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it gets really manic and chaotic in the middle of it, and then it kind of slows down and has that bass line and then it goes into the drums and it goes.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na. So I thought it was kind of cool how it moved through the song. So that was my number three.

Speaker 7:

Rocket is a hit right.

Speaker 4:

Rocket's a hit, my number two is Soma, soma yeah.

Speaker 7:

Piano very good yeah.

Speaker 4:

Mike Mills contribution there. My number two is going to be Hummer.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, I like the slow tempo. You go from Lick my Love Pump to something kind of manic or just something like hard rock and grooving. And it was my number two. Nice, what's your number one?

Speaker 7:

Hummer yeah.

Speaker 4:

I figured yeah, yeah.

Speaker 7:

Just cruising down the highway listening to that with my Hummer. I would love that For myself. Yeah Right on, it's a great song.

Speaker 4:

We flip flopped one and two. Mine is Soma.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, I'm glad you had Geek USA. It's good yeah.

Speaker 4:

Well, I mean Silver. I'm glad you had Silver Fuck.

Speaker 7:

Manny's Shout Out Spaceboy. Definitely Shout Out to Spaceboy. Actually, yeah, space Spaceboy. Definitely shout out to Spaceboy. Actually, yeah, spaceboy, spaceboy won me over. Quiet, could have done better. It had a strong placement but it didn't hit for me that much.

Speaker 4:

You know I appreciate the musicianship in playing at that fast of a pace, and all in sync too. That's really really hard to do so. From the acrobatic standpoint it's really. Technically, it's one of the best songs. But wait, did you hear number one? Yeah, Soma oh, Soma, yeah. I mean I really didn't get into why but I don't really think it needs to be.

Speaker 4:

Oh, it is, it's song yeah, but uh, I think that wraps it up. Uh, we want to thank you again for listening. Let's leave you with piss and I don't know. Cue it up, man, you got it piss ant sesame is sessions rough mix woo, all right, take care guys no pissing on ants, all right, sure. Take care.

Speaker 7:

Red Bull. There's some wings. Some Red Bull at this time would be good. I think this is before Red Bull. There's some wings. Some Red Bull At this time Would be Would be good, I think this is before Red Bull.

Speaker 4:

I don't even know. I think I had it. Yeah, we didn't. We had something like that. We had like these Shitty energy drinks and all like there's no brand. Yeah, got normalized later. Yeah, alright, wrapping it up, let's wrap it up. Let's wrap it up. All right, take care folks.

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